Film Synopsis
“365 Days of Marching” – The Amadou Diallo Story, WRITTEN, PRODUCED & DIRECTED by Veronica Keitt, recounts the bitter and yet compelling story of Amadou Diallo, young African Immigrant who was shot 41 times by 4 NYC Police Officers. This film documents the series of marches and protests that was set into motion following his death. It’s a story that’s told through the eyes of the marchers —the people who answered the call for justice for Diallo—while exploring the history of the New York City Police Department, police – community relations and how Diallo’s death galvanized a city to fight for justice—not only for Diallo, but for all injustices.
No Justice! No Peace!
Hundreds of protestors rally in front of Amadou Diallo’s House following the shooting.
Remember The Movement
Amadou Diallo’s death galvanized a city to fight for justice—not only for Diallo, but for all injustices plaguing New Yorker’s during that time. Along the side Rev. Al Sharpton of the National Action Network, stood activist, politicians, students, professors, unions and laborers who all shouted “No Justice No Peace!” charging the NYPD with police brutality. Over a 13 week period more the 1200 people submitted themselves for arrest at 1 Police Plaza. Some of the participants included David Dinkins, the former mayor of New York City, Governor David Paterson, who was then state senator, Rev Jessie Jackson, US Congressmen Charles Rangel, Assemblyman Keith Wright, Councilman Charles Barron, Percy Sutton—Inner City Broadcast, Norman Siegel—ACLU. Diallo’s death became a symbol for justice on all fronts and forever changed America.
-Veronica Keitt-Director/Writer/Editor

Special Appearances
Kadiatou Diallo
Mother of Amadou Diallo
Assemblyman Charles Barron
NYS Assemblyman, Brooklyn, NY
Bruce Green/Milton Walters
Activist/Journalist, Brooklyn, NY
Percy Sutton
Inner City Broadcasting, Harlem NY
Graham Witherspoon
Former Police Detective
Hon Mayor David Dinkins
Former Mayor of New York City
Timothy Ford
David Paterson
Former Governor of New York State
Ruben Diaz
New York State Assemblyman, Bronx NY
Rev Herbert Daughtry
Brooklyn, NY
Sieko Diallo
Father of Amadou Diallo
Percy Sutton
Civil Rights Activist
“The Artist” Robert Lederman
Artist Activist
Ozzie Thompson
Former Police Officer
Rev Al Sharpton
National Action Network
Congressmen Charles Rangel
US Congressman, Harlem, NY
Basil Paterson
Civil Rights Activist
Rosa Clemente
Community/Hip-Hop Activist- Journalist
Assemblyman Keith Wright
NYS Assemblyman, Harlem NY

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Premiere, 2008
Maysles Cinema
2010, Harlem, NY
York College
Queens New York
Black Panther Film Festival
Harlem NY
The People’s Film Festival
2021, Virtual Festival
Bronx Community College
Diallo Foundation/ BSU
Reel Sisters Film Festival
2008, Brooklyn, NY
Black Lives Matter/ Police Brutality – The Continued Injustice
Harlem State Office Bldg, NY